
Jan 3, 2010

Ray Mears / Rogers' Rangers

Follow in the footsteps of Major Robert Rogers as Ray tells of their epic withdrawal through New England where Rogers' rangers fought off both the pursuing enemy and starvation as the seasons changed rapidly from Autumn to Winter. CLICK HERE FOR LINK

Jan 1, 2010

Colonial America, 1757

The war across the sea in the Americas rises in intensity. The French have allied themselves with the Indians, and fight the British with guerilla style warfare. The British need something to offset these dangerous enemies, and find it in a man named Robert Rogers.

Colonial life in the American colonies was more difficult than any of us can imagine. Some things you just can't learn from a history book. You have to experience them yourself. Reenacting is just that. Learning about a time period through personal experience is the only true way to find out about the hardships of life in the past. This website is here to give you a glimpse into the life of reenactors in this educational hobby. Hope you enjoy it.