
May 15, 2015

Myths of the Blunderbuss (updated link)

CLICK HERE FOR LINK to a great article about myths of the Blunderbuss.  Please also note the paragraph where in July 8, 1773, Captain Stedman said: "During this, however, I met with a small accident, by firing myself one of the blunderbusses, which I placed like a musquet against my shoulder; when I received such a stroke by its rebounding, as threw me backward over a large hogshead of beef, and had nearly dislocated my right arm. This however it seems was owing to my ignorance of the manner of using the blunderbuss, as I have since been informed that all such weapons ought to be fired under the hand, especially when heavily charged; and then by swinging round the body suddenly, the force of the rebound is broken, and the effect scarcely sensible. I insert this only to shew [sic] in what manner the heavily-loaded muscatoons [sic] ought always to be fired; especially since, without any aim, the execution from their wide mouth is always equally fatal.”

May 5, 2015

Will the REAL Robert Rogers please stand up?

CLICK HERE FOR LINK to a very interesting article about the real Robert Rogers and Queen’s American Rangers of 1776 written by Todd Braistedabout.  If you've been watching the AMC TV show TURN, you might be surprised at some of the facts.  Plus please see the reader's comments at the end of the article - especially the comment by jegrenier who said: "AMC should have stayed with zombies and drunken-philandering ad execs."  :-)