
Mar 23, 2015

Why British Major Robert Rogers Does Not Deserve a Statue Nor a Days Ceremony nor a Park in His Namesake.

CLICK HERE FOR LINK to an article by Raymond Pibunki Awasos LeMay, a Koasek Abenaki.  Raymond claims Major Rogers was known as a Butcher of the Abenaki and a Traitor to our Nation. Also Raymond says it's an insult to present day Native Americans in honoring his accomplishments. Why doesn't he deserve a statue, Raymond hopes to answer that or at the least educate the public as to why.

So Raymond obviously doesn't like Rogers' Rangers, but we want to present fair and balanced news in our blog for your enjoyment, so please read his article and see his website.  It's always good to get both sides of the story, even if you may have other opinions.

As Raymond pointed out, the Abenaki are still there at St. Francis and are doing well, but I wonder why I read elsewhere where it said: "Rogers’ Raid was one attack, on just one Abenaki village, but it has had a lingering impact on Abenaki history ever since. The Abenaki community at Odanak is recognized as a First Nation by the Canadian government, but the Abenaki community at Missisquoi, which has also persisted to the present, has yet to be federally-recognized by the United States government.  Enclaves of Abenaki families persisted in other places, around Lake George, Pennacook territory, and elsewhere, but the connections throughout Ndakinna are still poorly understood by many historians today, in part because of the emotional impact of Rogers’ Raid, and the mistaken illusion that Odanak was the only homeplace of Abenaki people. During the 1950s, and 1960s, many Abenaki elders tried to protect their children from prejudice by not teaching them their Native language, and not talking to them about their history. Some, especially those who lived in New England lived in fear that one day, the descendants of Rogers’ Rangers would come to finish them off."

So the Illinois Ranger wonders why if Rogers' raid was so unsuccessful and killed only about 30 women and children, then why were the Abenaki during the 1950s & 1960's in New England living in fear that one day, the descendants of Rogers’ Rangers would come and finish them off?

Plus the Illinois Ranger also has never seen an Abenaki website that explained why in the St. Francis raid, Rangers found the Abenaki had hanging on poles over their doors, etc. about 600 scalps, mostly English.  And there were scalps of women and children too!

If you disagree with anything said above, then please make a comment.

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